Disaster Reconstruction Minister Ryu Matsumoto resigned yesterday because of public anger over his rude treatment of the governor of Miyagi prefecture.
“Regarding the maritime industry, you said you wanted to concentrate (fishing ports damaged by the disasters) from one-third to one-fifth, so you at the prefectural office should get a consensus on that. Otherwise, we won’t do anything. You’d better get these things done right.”
“(The governor) entered (the meeting room) after I did, but when you are receiving guests, you must enter the room first and then call in the guests. Listen to me, that is what they do in the Self-Defense Forces (to which Murai once belonged) where they understand the respect that should be shown to those who are senior. Do you understand? You had better shape up.”
“That last comment is off-the-record. Do you all understand? If any of you write about it, that will be the end of your company.” (To reporters covering the meeting)
The English language translation cannot capture the full rudeness of the remarks, which were delivered in the style of a boss chewing out an incompetent subordinate. Matsumoto’s anger about having to wait for the governor was also unreasonable. The governor arrived at the scheduled time: Matsumoto had arrived earlier than expected.
The threat to reporters was the icing on the cake. And what a lovely cake it was – YouTube clips of the incident received hundreds of thousands of views, and every Japanese TV network played the clip over and over on their news broadcasts.
ну а теперь посмотрим на это невыносимое грубиянство воочию))))
губернатор просто милашка) и так правильно реагирует - только улыбается и говорит хай (в данном случае это можно перевести как "слушаюсь и повинуюсь", со всем возможным сарказмом). ведь даже если тебя обижает какой-то невоспитанный тип, это ж не повод самому становиться хамлом) мацумото потом оправдывался, что это все вторая группа крови виновата, полностью признал свою вину, меру, степень, глубину, сам из кабинета вылетел тут же, ну а остальное правительство продержалось еще около месяца - этот инцидент хоть и не стал причиной общей отставки и даже последней каплей, но довольно ощутимо ее приблизил. как оно и должно быть и когда-нибудь у нас тоже будет)
кинтаро с медведицей тоже так думают)